Knowledge Base      

How do I block a group of countries in Tracking Links or Rotators?

If you want to block clicks from certain countries from ever going to any of your tracking links or rotators, you can set up a system-wide geo-block within your Account Settings.

Just go to “Settings” in the Account menu , and from there, click on the Traffic tab:

Select the countries you want to block, and set a redirect URL that tells ClickMagick where you want to send those unwanted clicks to, and you’re all set.

No more unwanted clicks!

Using Geotargeting to Geoblock

If you don’t want to set up a system-wide geo-block but only want to geo-block on a particular tracking link or rotator, you can do that using the settings in the “Geo” tab of any link or rotator.

You can read more about that in our article on geotargeting:
How does the Geotargeting work?

Article 268 Last updated: 03/16/2023 5:29:42 PM