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Will Campaigns process a click and a conversion on the same page?

In most cases no, because processing a click and a conversion for the same page normally doesn’t make sense.

In a typical funnel, a person will first visit the landing page of the funnel, registering a unique click in the Visitors stat, and then conversions (actions, engagements, and sales) will occur on later pages in the funnel, tracking the visitor’s progression through the funnel. In this scenario, there’s no reason to have the landing page record both a click and a conversion since the Visitors stat already records each visit to the landing page.

Now, keeping that in mind, it’s quite common for users to design their funnels so that they pass UTM parameters from page to page within their funnel. So, for ClickMagick to determine the difference between a click and a conversion, it knows to process a click when there are UTM values in the URL, but there’s no conversion set for the page.

In other words, when ClickMagick sees a URL with the utm_source, utm_medium, and utm_campaigns set—and there’s no conversion on the page—then it knows that this is a click to a landing page.

Later on, when the visitor lands on a page with a conversion, ClickMagick records the conversion, ignoring any UTM values that are simply being passed through that page. There is exactly one exception to this rule—which has to do with reentering your funnel later on—which we will cover in the next section.

The short summary of all of this is that you can’t have a click and a conversion generated for the same page, again, with the one exception.

Also, when thinking about conversions, remember that you can set the cmc_goal value in either the URL to the page, or in the Conversion Tracking Code that you insert on the page. If you have the cmc_goal value set in both the URL and on the page, the URL value will take precedence and override the same parameter in your webpage code, which can be really useful at times if you want your link to turn off a goal that’s set on the page.

Recording an “internal” click in the middle of your funnel...

As a rule, once a user has entered your funnel, only your conversions—actions, engagements and sales—will be tracked from that point on for that user.

If you send users to a goal page with unnecessary UTM “click” parameters the UTM parameters will simply be ignored and the goal will be tracked normally.

The only case where this isn’t true is when you specify utm_source=internal for internal clicks.

You would use utm_source=internal when you’re tracking clicks from your emails, blog posts, and other “internal” non-ad clicks that you want to track.

Because URLs with utm_source=internal often link to internal funnel pages that may contain conversion tracking code, these links will cause ClickMagick to track both a click and a conversion where appropriate.

Consider the following example …

Someone sees your ad and clicks on it which sends them to your opt-in page. After they opt-in, they are then sent to your sales video page which contains Conversion Tracking Code that records an “action” conversion. Let’s then suppose that they don’t buy right away…

At this point, your stats will show one Visitor and one Action for this person, and they’re on your email list.

Now, let’s say that they get an email from you a few days later that includes a link back to your sales video page, but in this case, the link uses “internal” for the utm_source value: utm_source=internal

When the user clicks on the link in your email two things will happen, as you would expect:

First the “internal” click will be processed normally as an internal click, and then the Action conversion will also be fired, but will be ignored in this case since it’s a duplicate conversion for this visitor. In this scenario, both the click and the conversion are triggered.

If your email link had sent the user to a page that they’d never visited before and that page had an Engagement conversion, the internal click would have been recorded and a new Engagement conversion would have been recorded.

URLs with utm_source=internal is the only case where both a click—an “internal” click—and a conversion can be recorded for the same page.

Internal clicks are not shown in the same stats as “normal” clicks. To see your “internal” click stats, you must select “internal” from the Source menu in your campaign filters.

Also, conversions are never attributed to internal clicks. If you reenter a funnel using an internal click, any conversions that happen in the funnel from that point forward are attributed to the original click where the visitor entered the funnel the first time.

In other words, when viewing the stats for internal clicks, you will never see stats for conversions.
Note: For a better understanding of how to track email messages with Campaigns, check out this article:

How do I track the emails I send to my list?

Article 568 Last updated: 06/05/2023 8:52:41 AM