Knowledge Base      

What should I know about the ClickMagick API?

Our API is available on the Standard and Pro plans, and it allows you to programmatically do just about everything you can do via the web. To get started you’ll want to review the API Documentation and create an API Key.

API Rate Limiting

While some API requests generate almost no “work” on our end e.g. creating a new tracking link, other API requests can generate quite a bit of work on our end e.g. generating Campaigns stats for a time period containing lots of data.

Because of this, API Rate Limiting is dynamic and based on the amount of “work” your requests generate, as opposed to a simple number of requests per second.

Here’s what you need to know in order to avoid being rate limited, and what to do if you are …

1. When looking at how much “work” your requests generate, we look at your activity over the past 5 minutes. So you should take care to not submit multiple requests that generate “a lot of work” in any 5 minute period.

2. Generally speaking, requests that generate “a lot of work” include retrieving raw click data, generating Campaigns stats or resetting/deleting lots of data. Other requests generally won’t cause you to be rate limited.

3. If you’re rate limited you’ll receive a 429 response, with a Retry-After header that indicates how long you’ve been rate limited in seconds e.g. 900s. You should not submit any more requests until the Retry-After period has passed.

If you’re using ClickMagick, and our API, in a way it’s meant to be used you should rarely if ever be rate limited. If you have any questions don’t hesitate to reach out to our support team.

Article 588 Last updated: 01/04/2024 6:19:12 AM