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Can I use the same domain for links and rotators?

You can use subdomains or subdirectories to use the same domain for both links and rotators.

To use a subdomain, you would add an additional word (the subdomain) just before your domain. You can choose any word you want, but you can’t use the same word for links and rotators.

Here is an example of two different subdomains you can use for the same domain:

You cannot use for both a link and rotator, however.

Using subdirectories would look like this:

As with subdomains, you cannot use for both a link and rotator. You must set up both subdirectories even if you want to use only tracking links or only rotators.

Using Subdomains

We recommend using the subdomain approach because it’s easier to set up, processes clicks faster, and is not affected by website downtime in any way—follow the setup instructions in this article:

How do I set up a secure custom tracking domain?

Using Subdirectories

To use a subdirectory, you must use Script Forwarding to set up your custom domain.

This means your links will stop working if your web hosting goes “down,” and your tracking links will be a bit slower because each click must be processed by your web server first. We recommend the subdomain method mentioned above because it avoids both issues.

If you’re sure you want to use the subdirectory approach, you’ll first need to have a website set up that your domain points to. Once you have a working website, you’ll then need to create two subdirectories in your website with the names you want to use in your tracking links and rotator links (track and rotate in the examples above).

The next step is to follow the Script Forwarding setup instructions for both subdirectories:

How do I set up a custom domain using a Subdirectory?

Again, we need to emphasize that you need to set up both subdirectories, so you’ll need to go through the setup instructions twice, once for your tracking link subdirectory and again for your rotator subdirectory.

Article 67 Last updated: 02/22/2023 8:58:31 AM