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Why do I get a Page Not Found, 404 or other 4xx error when clicking my link?

ClickMagick doesn’t generate 401, 404, or 410 errors—ever—so if you’re getting one of these errors, either you have a typo in one of the URLs you’ve entered, or there’s a problem with one of the websites you’re promoting.

If you’re getting a “403 forbidden” error, it’s almost certainly a problem with the website that you’re promoting. The rare case where ClickMagick can generate a “403 forbidden” error is if you’re trying to use a tracking link to send a “POST” request in a form:

<form action="[USERNAME]/dietbook" method="POST">

When a form is sent with a POST request, the form data is stored in the body of the request, which will be lost as soon as a tracking link tries to redirect to its Primary URL. Technically, using a POST request with a tracking link is wrong.

If you use a “GET” request instead, the form data is transferred to the query string of the action= URL, which works just fine with tracking links. To pass that form data on to the Primary URL of the tracking link, use the [query_string] token:

Primary URL[query_string]

When ClickMagick is just about to redirect to the Primary URL, it will automatically replace the [query_string] token with the form data that was passed to the tracking link.

Another solution would be to replace the action= URL with a direct link to the target page and track your results from the target page.

Other numerical errors

You may get other errors, such as the “595 no such device or address” error. Except for the 403 error message, ClickMagick never shows any numerical error messages, so if you’re seeing one of these, it’s not ClickMagick generating the error.

The simple debugging test takes the link in your Primary URL and types it directly into your browser. This eliminates ClickMagick. You will almost certainly still get the numerical error.

Article 159 Last updated: 03/09/2023 6:42:36 PM