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Can I use my custom domain in the Primary URL or other URLs?

Yes, you can use a custom domain in the Primary URL or other URLs in your link or rotator settings, but you must be sure to include a valid link slug with it, such as the link slug /movies in this URL:

Because the link slug /movies follows the custom domain, ClickMagick knows exactly where to redirect incoming clicks to.

The problem occurs when you don’t include a link slug:

ClickMagick doesn’t know where to redirect clicks without a link slug, creating an error condition.

If you use a custom domain in a tracking link's primary URL (or other URLs), remember to include a link slug so that ClickMagick knows exactly where to redirect incoming clicks.

If you’re unsure about what a link slug is or why you need one, we have an article that will walk you through the steps for creating a tracking link:
How do I set up a very basic tracking link?

Article 292 Last updated: 03/16/2023 7:04:12 PM