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What should I know about iOS and Facebook Ads?

There’s a massive amount of confusion among digital marketers right now regarding the Facebook Ads changes being made to accommodate Apple iOS and their new privacy-related requirements.

The good news, if you’re using ClickMagick properly, is that none of it will really affect you much at all.

These big changes only really affect people who rely on the inaccurate stats in their Facebook Ads account to run their business, which smart marketers just don’t do.

Anyway, if you’re interested, you can read Facebook’s official documentation and updates at the link below:

How Apple’s iOS 14 Release May Affect Your Ads and Reporting

Otherwise, just keep reading and we’ll summarize everything we think you should know …

1 – Understand the Real Goal with Facebook Ads

Right off the bat, this is where many people are still stuck and confused. The goal is NOT to do X, Y and Z to try to ensure that the conversion stats you see in your Facebook Ads account are accurate.

The conversion stats in your Facebook Ads account have never been accurate, they never will be accurate, and you should never rely on them. And no matter what you do they’re going to be even less accurate going forward, due to new problems and limitations like reduced attribution windows, delayed reporting and estimated results.

If you’re interested, you can read more about why Facebook’s stats aren’t accurate at the link below:

Why can’t I rely on the stats in my ad network account?

The whole purpose of using ClickMagick is that it allows you to see your actual results, for all of your online marketing – including your Facebook Ads – all in one place.

And none of these changes affect any of that.

The only goal with Facebook Ads is to use ClickMagick Audience Optimization to send your actual conversion data back to Facebook, which will allow them to optimize your ads a lot better than they can with the bad data they have.

This has nothing to do with seeing accurate stats in Facebook Ads, which is never going to happen.

2 – Facebook’s new Aggregated Event Measurement system

In response to Apple iOS 14, Facebook has come up with something called Aggregated Event Measurement. This is simply the new protocol they’ll be using that allows for the measurement of web events from iOS 14 users.

Here’s all you really need to know about that …

You’ll probably need to verify your domain in Facebook

Based on the information currently available from Facebook this should only be required if you have multiple Facebook pixels on your pages that are owned by different Business Manager accounts, but we’re already seeing evidence to the contrary so we strongly recommend that you just go ahead and verify your domain.

You must configure and prioritize up to 8 events per domain that can be used for optimization

The recent Facebook changes only allow you to track up to 8 events per domain. And in the case where a user generates multiple events Facebook is generally only going to track one of them, so you also have to prioritize your events to tell Facebook which ones you consider most important.

You can find more info on how to do both of these things in the article below:

What are the two new things I have to do in Facebook Ads?

3 – Tracking Links and Facebook Ads Are Now Problematic

Facebook’s recent changes makes using any type of Tracking Links with Facebook Ads problematic, and is no longer recommended. Please see the article below for more details:

Can I track my Facebook Ads with Tracking Links?

On the other hand, ClickMagick Campaigns was designed from the ground up for tracking Facebook Ads – and it’s better than using Tracking Links in every way.

If you’re still not using Campaigns, now is probably the time to make the switch.

4 – The Bottom Line

The conversion stats in your Facebook Ads account have never been accurate, and will never be accurate.

You may come across or talk to other advertisers who are concerned with somehow making their Facebook Ads stats more accurate, but they are simply going about things the wrong way.

All you need to do is follow the simple instructions for setting up Audience Optimization for Facebook. That’s it.

Once configured you’ll continue to use ClickMagick for your stats and reporting, and ClickMagick will also pass your actual conversion data back to Facebook so they can better optimize your ad campaigns.

And for 99% of advertisers, that’s all there is to it.

We’ll continue to update and add to this and our other Facebook article as new information becomes available, but if you have any questions or concerns at all please let us know.

Article 695 Last updated: 11/13/2022 2:11:13 PM