Tracking & Attribution
Without The Chaos

Relying on ad platform tracking or GA4 in 2024 is just reckless.

They're crippled by short attribution windows, estimated data, “greedy attribution,” ad blockers and other privacy initiatives.

Stats are off. Conversions are misattributed. Ads aren't optimized. You're just guessing — and you're paying dearly for it.

It's pure chaos. And we fix it all.

We obsess over tracking, so you don't have to.™

Track, Optimize & Scale like a Pro

your single source of truth
It All Starts With Accurate Data — TrueTracking®

ClickMagick is your objective “Single Source of Truth” — the one place you can see your actual results and all the actionable stats you need, all in one place.

optimize & scale like a pro
Improve Ad Performance & Lower Ad Costs

Optimize ads based on your actual results, and send first-party conversion data back to your ad networks for better AI optimization and increased ROI.

best-in-class support
The Best Support & Training In The Industry

Here at ClickMagick we're known for our fanatical support. We offer live chat support, onboarding calls, and even Zoom support with real marketers.

Bulletproof Cross-Device Tracking

ClickMagick offers true cross-device tracking, so you can track and optimize with confidence even as visitors constantly switch devices.

Advanced Attribution Modeling

Advanced Multi-Touch Attribution Models reveal what's really working — top, middle and bottom of funnel — allowing you to optimize like a pro.

Reduce Wasted Ad Spend

Click Shield™ prevents bots, competitors, and “click happy” users from wasting your budget. You'll spend less for the same number of customers.

Track Phone & Other Offline Sales

Easily and accurately track your offline conversions, all the way back to the ad or promotional piece that generated the customer.

World-Class Bot Filtering

We've been in the trenches battling bots longer than anyone. No other bot filtering system comes close, and no other app provides cleaner stats.

An Affiliate Marketer's Dream

Integrated with over 100+ affiliate networks, with full support for server-to-server tracking, and every tool you need to grow your commissions.

logo Why ClickMagick?

Billions of clicks processed. Feedback from over 100,000 users. Over 10 years of innovation.

We've seen every tech stack and set up imaginable, we've helped more advertisers fix their tracking problems than anyone, and this unmatched experience allows us to build something our competitors just can't.

And that's why ClickMagick is the most powerful ad tracking and conversion attribution platform that exists for performance marketers, ecommerce stores and small businesses of all types.

Compare with CRM Tracking, Facebook Pixel, Google Analytics/GA4, Google Tracking Tag and Hyros.

No iOS Doom & Gloom Here

The radical industry-wide changes starting with iOS 14.5 have turned the online advertising world upside down — but our users haven't even noticed.

We obsess over tracking, so you don't have to.™

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we're friends with everyone

Works with all ad platforms and apps you use

...and thousands of other integrations available via Zapier
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Over 122,000 accounts created worldwide