we obsess over tracking, so you don't have to.™

Discover ClickMagick

Using ClickMagick to fix your tracking and attribution problems is the easiest, most risk-free, and guaranteed way to grow your business in the next 30 days.

welcome to clickmagick

Overview & Set Up

ClickMagick is your “Single Source of Truth” that takes just minutes to set up. It works everywhere, and is immune to iOS 14.5+ privacy changes.

unparalleled accuracy, all in one place

Your “Single Source of Truth”

You just can't rely on the stats provided by your ad networks, affiliate networks, autoresponder, shopping cart, CRM or other marketing apps you use ...

Because individually they simply don't have all the data points necessary to generate accurate and actionable marketing insights.

Not to mention, some of them like to take credit for everything!

ClickMagick is your objective “Single Source of Truth” ...

The one place where you can see all your key marketing metrics and your actual results, with pinpoint accuracy, all in one place.

copy. paste. done!

5-Minute Set Up

Despite being the most powerful ad tracking and conversion attribution solution for small businesses, ClickMagick is also a breeze to set up.

Enable TrueTracking® for your website or online store by simply copying and pasting a bit of tracking code.

Our intuitive Campaign Wizard and URL Builder will guide you through properly tracking all of your ad campaigns and other promotions.

Have a complicated funnel or custom requirements? No problem. We've seen every possible set up and we'll help you get up and running fast.

no limits

Works Everywhere

ClickMagick works everywhere you advertise, and plays nicely with all the other apps in your marketing stack.

You'll never have to worry about outgrowing a tracking and analytics platform that only works with specific platforms — ClickMagick scales with you.

ClickMagick works with all traffic sources ... all ad networks ... all website and store builders ... all autoresponders and CRMs ... and well, you get the idea.

And we're constantly adding new integrations, and making tweaks as other popular apps make changes, so no matter what you want to track and optimize with ClickMagick, we can help make it happen.

enough with the bad data, confusion & guessing

Unbeatable Tracking & Attribution

ClickMagick is the most accurate tracking and attribution platform for small businesses, allowing you to confidently scale with actionable data.

it all starts with accurate data

Indisputable Click & Ad Tracking

Every click and every conversion — exactly as it happened — for all of your free, paid and organic traffic.

Unfortunately, you can't rely on the stats provided by your ad platforms.

Individually they just don't have all the data points necessary to generate unbiased, accurate and actionable marketing insights.

Their tracking is also crippled by short attribution windows, “greedy attribution,” estimated and delayed data, as well as iOS “do not track” initiatives.

The same goes for Google Analytics. And tracking is just an afterthought with your other marketing apps so you can't rely on them either ...

But ClickMagick gives you the full picture. Every click. Every conversion. Every journey inbetween. Exactly as it happened.

track anything and everything

Accurately Track Any Conversion

Finally, you can track any goal, sale or other user activity on your website or store with can't-be-beat accuracy.

Unlike most other apps, ClickMagick gives you unlimited flexibility to track everything that's important to your business.

In addition to opt-ins and sales, you can also track things like:

Add to cart or other checkout events ... email clicks ... buttons or other elements on your website ... and even your phone orders or other offline conversions.

And because ClickMagick uses industry-standard UTMs added to your own URLs, and only first-party data, with no “tracking links” or redirects ...

There isn't a more accurate conversion attribution platform anywhere.

clickmagick loves ios

No iOS Doom & Gloom Here

iOS' recent “do not track” initiative has turned the online advertising world upside down ...

But we're unaffected, and our users haven't even noticed.

Not only does ClickMagick allow you to continue tracking your iOS users ...

But it automatically sends your actual iOS conversion data back to your ad platforms, so they have much better data to work with.

The end result is bulletproof tracking and improved ad network optimization, resulting in increased mobile ad performance and lower costs.

As we like to say ... We obsess over tracking, so you don't have to.™

The secret to perfect tracking

Cross-Device Tracking

The average Internet user owns 3.2 devices, and constantly switches between them. Most systems can't track this.

They click your ad, opt-in on their phone, watch a webinar on their iPad, then finally make a purchase weeks later on their desktop computer.

Even Google and Facebook can't accurately track this unless people are constantly logged in to a single account on all of their devices ...

But ClickMagick offers true “unbreakable” cross-device tracking.

And once you turn this on there isn't another solution anywhere, at any price, that can give you more accurate tracking ...

And the ability to optimize and scale with extreme clarity and confidence.

track offline conversions

Phone & Offline Sales Tracking

If you take phone orders or accept payments offline, traditionally this has been next to impossible to track accurately.

And that means that if offline sales make up a meaningful percentage of your total revenue, you don't really have a proper way to optimize your ads to scale your business.

ClickMagick is the only affordable platform available to small businesses that allows you to easily and accurately track all your offline conversions ...

... All the way back to the ad or promotion that generated the customer.

instantly increase roas

Perfect Ad Optimization

TrueTracking® provides ridiculously accurate conversion data, allowing both you and your ad networks to optimize like never before.

your real stats, in real-time

Real-Time Stats & Reports

See 24 key performance indicators for any traffic source or ad — plus eye-opening reports — all in real-time.

Most apps provide stats that are estimated, delayed, or just inaccurate, which means they're useless if you're serious about optimizing your marketing.

And that's why ClickMagick gives you your most important stats and KPIs — like clicks, conversion rates, profit, AOV and ROAS — all in real-time.

Even our most eye-opening reports that reveal your best and worst performing ads, so you actually know what's working and what's not ...

Or the lifetime value of customers from any individual ad or campaign ...

Are all available in real-time, 24/7/365.

more customers at the lowest cost possible

Audience Optimization™

Supercharge your ad networks' ad optimization by automatically sending them your actual conversion data, in real-time.

Ad networks like Google, Facebook, Microsoft and TikTok use AI algorithms to find you more customers — but this only works as well as the data they have.

And unfortunately they generally misattribute about 20-50% of your sales, which means they're working with really bad data.

But Audience Optimization™ automatically sends them your actual conversion data, in real-time, so they have truly accurate data to work with.

And, when enabled, it also leverages any first-party data collected on your site to result in the absolute best "event match scores" possible.

You probably don't care about the technical details, but the end result is more customers for you — and better customers — at the lowest cost possible.

go beyond simple "last click" attribution

Advanced Attribution Modeling

ClickMagick's multi-touch attribution models reveal what's really working — top, middle and bottom of funnel.

“Last Click” attribution gives full credit to the last link or ad clicked, and generally gives an accurate picture of what gets users to convert.

But you can't scale cold traffic acquisition campaigns with last click, for example.

That's why ClickMagick also provides advanced “multi-touch” attribution models like Linear, Position-Based and Time Decay ...

... which provide even deeper insights on how the different pieces of your marketing are performing.

This allows you to optimize ad campaigns, and the different steps in your funnel, independently — allowing you to scale like never before.

know your best customers

Complete Visitor Profiles

For any individual click, goal, or conversion, you can instantly see a complete visitor history for that user with one click.

Which ad did they click? How did they navigate my website or funnel?

Which emails did they respond to? What did they do right before buying?

All these answers, and more, are right at your fingertips.

If you sell a high-ticket product or service this is especially useful ...

Because you'll gain deeper insights into how your best customers are interacting with your marketing and your business ...

Which makes it really easy to optimize your marketing even further.

filter out the noise

Bot & Click Fraud Protection

Best-in-class bot and click fraud protection means you get the cleanest traffic, the most accurate stats, and the highest ROI possible.

the cleanest stats in the industry

World-Class Bot Filtering

You can't have accurate tracking and stats without best-in-class bot filtering, and only ClickMagick filters out 99% of all bots.

Whether it's “innocent” bots like search engine spiders ...

... or malicious bots created to click on ads and waste your money ...

We protect your stats and your ad budget better than anyone.

While other tracking systems count these automated requests as real clicks, our self-learning AI filters them out so they don't ruin your key stats.

We've been in the trenches battling bots as direct response marketers longer than anyone. With billions of clicks analyzed and processed, no other bot filtering system even comes close.

protect your ads & save money

Click Shield™ Stops Unwanted Clicks

Did you know that you're probably paying for lots of clicks that can never generate a sale?

Between automated software programs called “bots”, clicks from competitors, and clicks from click-happy users who click your paid ad every time they want to get back to your site, you're spending ad dollars you shouldn't have to.

And we put those dollars back in your pocket.

ClickMagick's Click Shield™ allows you to set up simple rules to define the type of click behavior that's acceptable to your business, and block the rest ...

Which means less ad spend for the same number of conversions.

an affiliate's dream

Affiliate Marketing Tools

ClickMagick provides a full-stack affiliate marketing platform with every tool you need to gain a competitive advantage and scale commissions.

we're friends with everyone

Integrated w/ 100+ Networks

ClickMagick is integrated with 100+ of the most popular affiliate networks, making it super easy to track all your affiliate promos.

Using the Affiliate URL Builder, simply enter your affiliate link and select the affiliate network you're working with.

Then just use the modified affiliate link we provide in your promotions, and your affiliate sales will be tracked with extreme accuracy.

the ultimate in affiliate conversion tracking

Postback / Server-To-Server Tracking

There are a few ways to track your affiliate sales, and we support them all. But there's nothing more accurate than Postbacks.

ClickMagick is integrated with over 100+ affiliate networks, and we'll give you a special “Postback URL” that you can add to the back-office of the affiliate networks you work with.

This will enable a direct “server to server” connection between ClickMagick and your affiliate networks, which is the most accurate way to track conversions.

This will give you all the benefits of ClickMagick's TrueTracking® not only for your own website or store, but for any affiliate offers you promote as well — giving you a massive competitive advantage over other affiliates.

take control

Dynamic Affiliate Links

Dynamic Affiliate Links allow you to take full control of the sales process by pre-selling visitors any way you want ...

And then directing users into the middle of an advertiser's sales funnel.

For example, say you found a great product to promote as an affiliate but the advertiser's landing page stinks ...

Using a Dynamic Affiliate Link you can send visitors to your own landing page instead, and then direct them into the middle of the advertiser's funnel — for example their sales page — to continue the process.

The end result is higher conversions, and more affiliate commissions, for you.

know who's clicking

Add Pixels to Any Affiliate Link

ClickMagick allows you to add any type of tracking pixel or retargeting codes to any affiliate link ...

... which allows you to do some pretty cool stuff that gives you a massive competitive advantage over other affiliates.

For example, you can track which affiliate links people are clicking, then easily build new retargeting lists of people who click on your affiliate links.

The possibilities are endless ...

optimize every click

Geo & Mobile Targeting

ClickMagick allows you to easily redirect your traffic to different affiliate links based on the user's location or device type.

Some affiliate offers only accept traffic from users in certain countries or using a specific device e.g. only desktop or only mobile traffic.

So for example, if you send out an email to your entire list with a normal affiliate link, a lot of those clicks could be wasted.

ClickMagick helps you optimize every click by redirecting your traffic to different affiliate links based on the user's location or device type ...

And when the right people see the right offer, you waste less money on worthless clicks and you earn more commissions by targeting the right traffic, every time.

we've got you covered

Other ClickMagick Tools

ClickMagick literally has over a hundred different "features" under the hood. Here are just a few more that make your life easier ...

escape spreadsheet hell

Auto Cost Update

Automatically retrieves your ad costs from major ad platforms like Google, Facebook, Microsoft Ads and TikTok.

Gone are the days of having to use a bunch of spreadsheets or manually entering your ad cost data into your tracking system.

With just a few clicks you can integrate ClickMagick with your ad platforms, and we'll automatically retrieve your ad cost data around the clock ...

... ensuring that the cost-based stats you see in ClickMagick are always up to date and 100% accurate — without your lifting a finger.

one currency to rule them all

Auto Currency Conversion

Automatically converts your ad costs and sales to a single currency for a unified look at your revenue-based stats.

With most ad networks, the currency used is set in stone when you create the account, and it cannot ever be changed.

But what if for example your ad accounts are set to Euros, so you pay for ads in Euros, but you collect revenue in USD?

Even worse, what if your store or website allows customers to check out in multiple currencies, all different from your own?

ClickMagick automatically converts your ad costs and sales to a single currency of your choosing for a unified look at your revenue-based stats.

tracking links / short links

Best-In-Class Tracking Links

Our founder created one of the first “tracking link” services for online direct response marketers, all the way back in 1996 ...

And we've been leading the way when it comes to tracking links ever since.

Whether you need to track and manage “solo ads” or other email traffic ...

Or you want to set up high-performance, bitly-style short links like ...


ClickMagick tracking links have dozens of settings and options that will allow you to track and manage these additional promotions like a pro.

get more clicks & spread your message

Custom Tracking Link Domains

Use any domain you want with ClickMagick Tracking Links — leading to more clicks and better branding.

What looks better, gets more clicks, and can even help spread your brand?

https://www.yoursite.com/?utm_source=organic&utm_medium=email ...

Or ...


Say goodbye to long, ugly URLs because you can set up any type of short, “pretty link” you want, to help increase clicks and spread your message.

stay connected

Connect & Share

From collaborating with team members to sharing data and integrating with the other marketing apps you use, ClickMagick sets your data free.

team members

Invite Team Members

Create a collaborative environment by inviting other members of your team to join your ClickMagick account.

On the Standard and Pro plans, ClickMagick allows you to invite others to your ClickMagick account, and give them the access level they need.

Whether you want to give admin access to your co-founder...

... read/write access to a VA that helps manage your tracking ...

Or report-only access to your assistant, we've got you covered.

share the magick

Shareable Public Stats

ClickMagick allows you to share stats for specific Campaigns or Tracking Links with the world.

Whether you just want to quickly share some stats with your internal team ...

Or you need to provide stats to someone who has purchased traffic from you ...

Or you need to provide stats to clients who you manage advertising for ...

ClickMagick allows you to quickly and easily create “share” links for any Campaign or Tracking Link at any time, and even protect your public stats with a password and expiration date.

clickmagick on the go

ClickMagick Mobile App

Quickly and easily check your most important stats, and get sales notifications on the go.

Take the power of ClickMagick with you, with the ability to easily check your most important stats in real-time on the go.

This can be especially useful with new ad campaigns when you want to watch their early performance and make changes as quickly as possible.

You can also receive sales notifications right on your phone — in real-time — for any Campaign or Tracking Link.

Available on both the Google Play Store for Android, and the iOS App Store.

let your data free

Custom Postbacks / Webhooks

Automatically send your conversion data to the other apps and platforms you use with Custom Postbacks and Webhooks.

ClickMagick lets you set up “postbacks” or “web hooks” that will automatically send your actual conversion data to other platforms you use.

Normally you'd use this to send sales data back to platforms that don't have a direct integration, to help them further optimize your campaigns ...

But you can also send your conversion data to your autoresponder, CRM or just about anything else to trigger automations you may need.

zapier makes you happier

Zapier Integration

Our Zapier integration takes things a step futher, and allows you to send your data to 1,000s of additional apps.

We provide all the Zapier “Triggers” you need to do just about anything you want with your click and conversion data, in real-time, with the 1,000s of other apps that are also integrated with Zapier.

From sending an SMS message each time you generate a sale ...

To adding sales data to your custom order management system ...

You can do it all with ClickMagick and Zapier, and we even have dozens of “Zap Templates” for common automations to help you get started.

build anything

Full ClickMagick API

Build your own tools and automations with the full functionality of ClickMagick's web app.

Our full-featured REST API provides tons of endpoints that give you almost unlimited flexibility to build the custom tools or automations you may need.

You can view the ClickMagick API docs here:

ClickMagick API Docs

we've got your back

Support & Training

Get help from real marketers with years of experience — not low-paid, outsourced “customer support” reps who've never run an ad.

the best support in the biz

Fanatical Support

Here at ClickMagick we're known for our fanatical support.

Standard and Pro users receive live chat support roughly 18 hours a day, onboarding calls and even Zoom support if you need it.

And even if you're on our Starter plan or just want to submit a ticket, the average response time in our Helpdesk is usually no more than a few hours.

Many users have told us our support is better than anything they've ever experienced before, because ...

Our team consists of real marketers with tons of experience — not low-paid, outsourced “customer support” reps who've never run an ad.

You just can't get this anywhere else, and with all the recent changes in the industry I really can't stress just how valuable this is.

get started fast

Onboarding Call

A real marketer with tons of experience will answer all your questions and give you their best advice for getting started.

Unlike other “onboarding calls” that are really just disguised sales calls pushing you to upgrade or buy something else, the only goal of this call is to help you get massive value from ClickMagick as quickly as possible.

By the end of the call you'll know exactly how to get the most from ClickMagick, and you'll be tracking and optimizing like a pro in no time.

part how-to / part marketing education

One-Of-A-Kind Knowledge Base

We're quite proud of our Knowledge Base, and you've probably never seen anything like it.

Most people hate digging through a Knowledge Base, but this is different.

It's fully searchable and contains over 500 articles and step-by-step tutorials covering everything you could ever possibly want to know about tracking, optimizing and scaling your advertising with ClickMagick.

We've poured a ton of resources into building this for you, so that whenever you get stuck or need help a quick search will almost always give you the answers you're looking for.

leading in innovation

New Features Added Monthly

We've added innovative new features every single month for the past 10 years, and we're not stopping any time soon.

We're agile, and iterate quickly. If you send in some good feedback or a small suggestion, you'll often see us pushing out an update within days.

And as you use ClickMagick you'll see with your own eyes that we literally work on improving ClickMagick around the clock, 24/7/365.

We push out a handful of small tweaks and improvements each week, and generally at least one “big” new feature each month ...

All with the goal of providing you with as much value as possible, and all the tools you need to scale your marketing.


Some of our favorite customer support reviews from



“I’ve used a handful of conversion tracking tools and ClickMagick’s support is in a class of its own. They’re always very responsive, you receive personal replies (they’ll screen record your account as they make a custom video to go over any issues or concerns) and I’ve never had to wait any real period of time to receive responses.”

Ian D, Feb 9, 2024
“I just had a support call with Troy, and he was awesome, just like all the other support guys have always been. I've been with ClickMagick for over a year, and their support has always been excellent, without exception. It's the best support I've ever seen in any company I've ever done business with. I highly recommend.”

Emilie B, Jan 19, 2024
“I have only been with ClickMagick for a day but I have to say that the system is amazing. Most important is the help available especially from Customer Support. I emailed and received a special video (thanks Isaiah) answering all my questions and links for me to delve in deeper.”

Nick S, Feb 6, 2024

Over 122,000 accounts created worldwide